
Supreme Court Allows Trump’s Enjoined Travel Ban to Go Forward

Published on June 26th, 2017

The Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s revised March executive order that temporarily banned travel from six Muslim majority countries. For 90 days, immigration from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen will be blocked, and refugee resettlement will be paused for 120 days. The SCOTUS decision is a victory for the Trump administration after stinging defeats in the lower courts.

In its Donald J. Trump, President of the United States v. International Refugee Assistance Project decision, the court wrote that the travel ban would immediately apply to “foreign nationals who lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States,” but would not include existing visa or green card holders. In October, the Supreme Court will hold hearings on the entire case.

Win for Trump, loss for refugee resettlement industry.

President Trump has consistently argued the necessity of an immigration pause from nations that have known ties to, and promote, terrorism so that the State Department can more thoroughly screen prospective migrants. National security officials including House Homeland Security chair Michael McCaul have questioned the thoroughness of existing vetting.

Californians for Population Stabilization promotes a commonsense solution to refugee resettlement. Since most refugees hope to return home at the earliest possible date, they should be resettled as safely and as closely as possible to their homes. CAPS produced a short video titled “Help More Refugees” that explains its proposal in detail. Watch it here.

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